Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the service take?
When we clean and seal concrete it is a 1/2 to 2 day process for most projects. For most projects we will clean and prep the concrete on day one, allow it to dry overnight and return the following day to get the sealer applied. Depending on the weather and the sealer being used, many times we can clean and seal in the same day.
We ask that you remain off the concrete completely on day one after it has been cleaned. Light foot traffic is fine 12 hours after sealer application. We ask that you keep furniture, vehicles, planters, etc. off the area for at least 24 hours. Some of the sealers are safe to use within about 1 hour after application. We can guide you through specific instructions for your project.

The service life all depends on the type of sealer used and the level of abuse the concrete is exposed to. We seal with several types of sealers but most commonly used for exterior projects are Acrylic sealers and Penetrating sealers. The glossy acrylic sealers have a service life of 2-4 years, the penetrating sealers have a service life of 3-5+ years. Although for Utah climate we prefer solvent based sealers due to the superior service life, we also have water based acrylic and penetrating sealers if it better fits the needs of a project.

No, with all sealer acrylic applications we use a traction additive in the sealer to help prevent slipping when the sealed surface is wet. The traction additive is not visually noticeable but works well to add texture and grip.


Please check the following items to ensure that we can begin your project on the start date.

  1. Sprinklers/ Drip system turned off.
  2. Planters, Mats & Decorations removed.
  3. Trim any vegetation touching concrete.
  4. All furniture moved off concrete.
  5. Cars are moved out of garage and off driveway.
  6. Please make sure animals are put away.
  7. Maintenance workers avoid area. (Lawn care, Pool Maintenance, Pest Control, ect.)