How to Maintain Your Sealer

How to maintain Your sealer

Now that your concrete has been thoroughly cleaned and sealed, there are a few easy steps to keep it looking beautiful between re-seals. You will need a regular push broom, Simple Green cleaner & Water. Simple Green can be purchased at most big box stored for about $9-$12 a gallon.

Simple Green is a safe cleaner for children, animals and plants.

-First, spray down your concrete with water to remove loose debris, pour Simple Green directly on to concrete (use 8-12oz for every 350-500 Sq Ft).

-Using a clean push broom, thoroughly scrub the concrete in both North/South and East/West directions. Keep the concrete and Simple Green wet during this time.

-After scrubbing allow the Simple Green to dwell on the surface for 5-10 minutes, not allowing it to dry. Mist with water if needed.

-Last, use plenty of water to rinse. You can even use your push broom to speed up the process. That’s it!

This can be used for both regular gray concrete as well as colored/decorative concrete.